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Poet At Large Reviews, Book, Cat And Mouse   Leave a comment

The book Cat and Mouse by Tim Vicary is an intriguing  historical fiction look into our past as he looks at the Suffragette Movement in 1914 as well as the Ulster rebellion and German Conquest Plots relevant to World War One.  The Title comes from a reference to a legal act that allowed for the release of a criminal who was near death so they could convalesce at home, but if they recovered they could be rearrested for the same crime to serve out their sentence.  This act led to many suffragettes who starved themselves in prison to be rearrested several times for the same crime. The characters and their motivations are highly thought out.  Though I must say that at mid point in the book you are convinced that men are all pigs.  It is only after things get their worst that nobility can be seen in some of the male characters.  The old dubble Standard of what is acceptable behavior for men and women is a big part of the plot.  A very good book for those who like history.

From The Poet’s Mouth,

Lyda Mae Dameron

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