Archive for the ‘A Baby of Her Own’ Tag

Poet At Large Reviews, Book, A Baby of Her Own   Leave a comment

“A Baby of Her Own” by Brenda Novak is a hard book to review be cause to be perfectly honest I don’t really like it.  There are elements worth liking but as a whole I was not able to continue suspending my disbelief all the way to the end of the book.  The things I liked were the fact that Conner beat his uncles after all the Hell they put him through and his Mother finally found a man she liked. I just can’t believe that a girl who seeks a one night stand in another town to have a baby when she can’t afford going to a sperm bank will ever end well.  Especially if she meets the man later.  I just don’t see anything really Happy working out between them. Because no one male or female likes to be used and that is just impossible for any but a saint to forgive. Even if they did get married that would color the relationship for the rest of life. Not enough romance in the romance novel.

From The poet’s Mouth,

Lyda Mae Dameron.

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